
Featured Articles

The Signer Who Recanted

Author: Frederick Bernays Wiener

Under duress in a British prison, Richard Stockton of New Jersey had the singular misfortune to become

Maple Leaf Rag

Author: Rudi Blesh

“It is needless,” wrote his publisher, “to say anything of the writer of ‘Maple Leaf,’ ‘Cascades,’ ‘Sunflower’ or ‘Entertainer.’ You know him.” But this black genius died penniless and all but forgotten

Horsepower Comes To The Magpies

Author: Lewis S. Brown


Author: Thomas Froncek

The brilliant Polish engineer who made possible the victory at Saratoga was a fighter for freedom in both America and his homeland

Cathcart’s Travels

Author: Liva Baker

After the American sailor's ship was captured, he was held a slave in Algeria for 15 years