
A Visit To Mount Vernon

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Authors: Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz

Historic Era:

Historic Theme:


February 1965 | Volume 16, Issue 2

In August of 1797 General Thaddeus Kosciusko, the Polish officer who had enlisted in the Continental Army during the Revolution, arrived in Philadelphia for a visit to the young republic whose cause he had served so well. With him was a fellow countryman, a soldier and poet named Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz. Both had recently been released from imprisonment in St. Petersburg, where they had been kept two years for their part in Poland’s unsuccessful revolt of 1794 against its Russian masters. Within a few months Kosciusko, who had been seriously wounded fighting the Russians, decided to settle permanently near Philadelphia, and his American friends began looking for a farm for him to purchase. But duty called again: in the spring of 1798 came word that a Polish army was being formed in France, then at war with Poland’s two old enemies, Russia and Prussia, and General Kosciusko wanted to be associated with it. He decided to take ship at once, but because of the danger that he would be intercepted at sea by the English, also at war with the French, his departure had to be kept secret.


While Kosciusko was preparing to sail from America—with false papers obtained for him by Vice President Thomas Jefferson—Niemcewicz set up the smoke screen. He spread a rumor that the General had left Philadelphia for a health resort in the South, and himself went to Baltimore and later to Washington as though following him. In the federal city his host was Thomas Law, whose wife, Elizabeth Parke Custis, was a granddaughter of Martha Washington. One evening the Laws took their guest to the Georgetown home of another of Mrs. Washington’s granddaughters, Mrs. Thomas Peter, and there he met General Washington. As the parly drew to a close, Washington walked to the door with Niemcewicz. “I shall be happy to see you at Mount Vernon,” he said. “I shall be there in a jew days. I hope you will come.”

Accordingly, on June 2, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Law, Niemcewicz set out for Mount Vernon. His diary of his twelve-day visit is a priceless portrait of life there in the period between the time Washington left the Presidency and his death a year and a half after this visit. The following selection is from a new English translation by Metchie J. E. Budka of Niemcewicz’s complete Travels Through America, soon to be published by the Grassmann Publishing Company as Number XIV of The Collections of the New Jersey Historical Society. —The Editors


2 June. Mount Vernon. After many distractions and delays, at about eleven o’clock we set out for Mount Vernon. We crossed the river by ferry and followed the Maryland bank. From there Federal City, or rather the land destined for the city, rises in an amphitheatre. After having made 4 to 5 miles we arrived at the point opposite Alexandria. … We took 25 minutes to cross once again the Potowmak. I stopped in Alexandria at the merchant’s Atkins to