
Age Of The Octagon

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Historic Era:

Historic Theme:


August/september 1983 | Volume 34, Issue 5

A GREAT MANY people have, at one time or another, happened to drive past a curious, eightsided house. And most who come across such a building believe it to be unique, the inexplicable architectural whim of a long-dead local. But in fact there are hundreds of these “unique” houses still standing, all of them testament to a vigorous, nationwide vogue that sprang up on the eve of the Civil War.

The builders of these houses, most of them upper-middle-class men, were intensely individualistic, dogmatic, even exhibitionistic. They drew the inspiration for their homes—and in many cases their plans—from a single remarkable book: A Home for All , first published in 1848 by a former theology student named Orson Squire Fowler.

Fowler graduated from Amherst College in 1834, the same year as his friend Henry Ward Beecher. A convert to phrenology, Fowler turned from the ministry to tour the country demonstrating the new “science.” By 1842 he had founded a publishing company, Fowler and Wells, and was producing The American Phrenological Journal and Miscellany , calling himself the largest mail-order publisher in the United States. His company published books and pamphlets on vegetarianism, homeopathy, water cures, hypnotism, shorthand, child rearing, women’s rights, sexual theory (“Let no sun set,” he proclaimed, “without a full, hearty, soul-inspiring love-feast”), the treatment of criminals and the insane, and was first to distribute Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass .


Then architecture caught his fancy. In A Home for All Fowler asked: “But is the square form the best of all? Is the right angle the best angle? Can not some radical improvement be made, both in the outside form and the internal arrangement of our houses? Nature’s forms are mostly SPHERICAL . She makes ten thousand curvilineal to one square figure. Then why not apply her forms to houses?”

The form Fowler chose was the equilateral octagon. An eight-sided house would be cheaper to build, since its exterior walls would enclose more space than a rectangle. It would be easier to heat in the winter and (with a cupola on top) easier to vent in the summer. And the interiors of octagonal houses were brighter, as the sun streamed through windows on eight sides instead of only four.

Fowler was not the first person to use the octagon in architecture. The ancient Greeks and Romans built octagonal structures, and Thomas Jefferson followed their example by designing an octagonal house in Bedford County, Virginia, where he went to escape the crowds that gathered at Monticello. (It still stands today, stately, elegant—and adjacent to 1950s tract houses.)

Thirty years later Alexander Jackson Davis chose the octagon for several public and private buildings, among them the now abandoned insane asylum on New York City’s Roosevelt Island and some lovely gatehouses of private estates along