Toy Guns Were Much Cooler When I Was a Kid (November/December 2001 | Volume: 52, Issue: 8)

Toy Guns Were Much Cooler When I Was a Kid

AH article image

Authors: Timothy C. Forbes

Historic Era: Era 10: Contemporary United States (1968 to the present)

Historic Theme:


November/December 2001 | Volume 52, Issue 8

It is among the most famous scenes in all movie history. Citizen Kane on his deathbed utters his last word, “Rosebud.” We learn at the end that Rosebud was Kane’s childhood sled. As he faced death, it was not all his vast worldly possessions or his accomplishments and failures that occupied him; it was a toy. For this complex, rich, and powerful man, that sled embodied the long-lost, happiest moments of his life.


Surely, most of us have had similar feelings. If we scratch our memories, there’s a toy somewhere in our mind that brings back the best moments of our own childhood. If you were a kid in the 50s and 60s, most likely it’s not a toy, but toys, and some of the niftiest toys ever created, at that.

My interest in the toys of my childhood was rekindled suddenly and unexpectedly at breakfast one Sunday morning about a year ago. My 11-year-old son, Malcolm, was playing with a toy rifle in the kitchen when he asked, “What were toy guns like when you were a kid?”

There was something plaintive in his voice. At least I thought so as I contemplated the weapon he was wielding, an amorphous piece of camouflage-pattern plastic with a vague resemblance to an AK-47. Any allusion to reality, however, was completely undone by the fluorescent orange cap on the tip of the barrel. That cap is now requisite on all toy guns in the United States so they won’t be confused with the real thing on mean modern streets. A victory for safety, perhaps, but a desecration of sorts, nonetheless. The fact is that toy guns were much cooler when I was a kid.

I began to remember and tried to describe a particular favorite from my childhood arsenal. The Tommy-Burst submachine gun by Mattel was everything that a contemporary toy gun is not. It strove for a sense of realism and authenticity in design, detail, and action. Pull back the spring-mounted bolt on the side, squeeze the trigger, and a burst of a dozen or so shots would fire off from a roll of caps that were perforated like movie film and stored in the clip.


Eager to share something concrete of this recollection, I got the notion that maybe we could find a Tommy-Burst on eBay. We logged on and, because at the time I couldn’t remember the exact name, searched under “Mattel.” I was astonished to find 50 pages of Mattel toys, including dozens of cap guns. Though frustrated initially in locating a Tommy-Burst, I started to remember, and bid on, other forgotten favorites. Soon, the guns, robots, ships, cannon, tanks, soldiers, slot cars, and more of the toys I’d had and, more important, wished I’d had as a