
Featured Articles

"To Heal a Nation": Creating the Vietnam Wall

Author: James Reston Jr.

Jan Scruggs fought on multiple fronts to build the Vietnam Memorial, which was once derided as a “black gash” and “Orwellian glop.” His work inspired a nation and helped bring Americans together.

Escape from the Warsaw Ghetto

Author: Judy Batalion

Vladka Meed joined the Jewish resistance in the Warsaw Ghetto, eventually escaped, and helped hundreds of children survive Nazi roundups. 

Revenge of the Nevada

Author: Ed Offley

The recent discovery of the hull of the battleship Nevada recalls her dramatic action at Pearl Harbor and ultimate revenge on D-Day as the first ship to fire on the Nazis.

“Catcher in the Rye” on D-Day

Author: Bruce Watson

J.D. Salinger carried a draft of his subsequently classic novel with him when he landed on the beach at Normandy.

George Washington Struggles with Slavery

Author: David O. Stewart

Our first president spoke about abolishing slavery, but couldn’t manage without the unpaid labor of hundreds of people at Mount Vernon.

Herndon Climb Honors Heroism During Tragedy

Author: Gary Kinder

In an annual ritual, Naval Academy plebes must work together to climb a greased obelisk that honors the captain of the SS Central America.