What Experts Are Saying About Fourscore

“A Remarkable Resource”       
“With Heritage Education, Social Studies teachers will be provided robust and wide-ranging historical scholarship as well as primary sources that will enliven their instruction and their students’ research... a remarkable resource.”  

   –Susan Griffin, former Executive Director, National Council for the Social Studies 

“Simply Remarkable”       
“The Heritage Education project is simply remarkable. I am impressed with the repository of scholarship and the way you are thinking about pushing media to do more in the classroom. Bringing together content experts, teachers, educators, and instructional technologists will ensure the site is of the highest value for users.”      

   –Prof. Kathleen Swan, co-director of C3 Framework project, Council of Chief State School Officers 

"An Acute Need for High‐Quality, Non‐Fiction 'Informational Texts' About History" 
Your new Fourscore project should have tremendous utility among U.S. History school teachers here in NY City and around the country. Our curriculum development work indicates an acute need for high‐quality, non‐fiction “informational texts” about history. American Heritage articles, with their professional journalists’ standards and clear exposition of engaging narratives are far more likely to capture student imagination than a typical textbook or trade book account.

We are familiar with the quality of American Heritage’s content, having created lesson activities using various articles from the collection of American Heritage.  Hundreds of NYC teachers received your 60th anniversary poster and issue containing the 35 most important events in American history.

In these challenging economic times, teachers will be especially appreciative of the fact that all these terrific resources are free of charge to teachers after a simple log‐in. With its interactive capabilities, this site also has the potential to be a powerful social media tool for history teachers.

   –Brian Carlin, Director of Social Studies, NYC Department of Education 

“A Wealth of Resources”       
“American Heritage has a wealth of resources that would enhance our student’s learning experiences.  It would be nice to partner with an entity that values history education and promotes the importance of social studies and citizenship in our world.”       

   –Joe Rivers and Julianne Eagan, Brattleboro Area Middle School, Brattleboro, VT 

“Tremendous Potential”       
“This project has tremendous potential to have a positive impact.”      

   –Dr. Robin Hall, Director of Language Arts and Literacy, Council of the Great City Schools

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools is interested in gaining access to Fourscore, the new education system by American Heritage. Staff visited your website and was impressed with the many ways this resource would enhance our initiatives.  

   –Brian Schultz, Chief Operations Officer, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools 

“A ‘Godsend’ for ELA”     
“Finding and integrating high quality non-fiction is a challenge for ELA teachers… This project is a godsend for busy teachers who want to move toward more meaningful texts… The work the American Heritage Society is doing will have a direct and positive impact on classrooms, making resources available to schools that might not have the resources to implement the Common Core on their own.      

   –Lyn Cannaday, Nationally Board Certified in ELA and Teaching Fellow with Student Achievement Partners 

"Access to Multiple Resources"       
“Fourscore will provide participating teachers with access to digital resources which include content specific informational text, ongoing virtual professional learning and tutorials, as well as support for the creation of lessons which are aligned to the standards. This program ultimately creates a platform by which students have access to multiple resources thus creating an opportunity for students to meet the demands and expectation to be College and Career Ready by the time they graduate from High School.”       

   – Felisa Ford, Social Sciences Coordinator, Atlanta Public Schools, Atlanta, GA 

"An Excellent Source"       
“Today teaching History is not just about content, names, dates, events.  History is teaching kids how to analyze primary and secondary historical sources and synthesizing their own theories of history and connections to today's complex world.  American Heritage is an excellent source to add to our arsenal to allow kids to explore and study history at a in-depth and more personal level.”      

   – James Bukowski, Washington Junior High School, Manitowoc, WI