
Featured Articles

The Song That Wrote Itself

Author: Louise Hall Tharp

Mrs. Howe jotted down the “Battle Hymn” in haste, but she lived to hear a nation sing it, and went to her grave to its tune

Cities Of The Middle Border

Author: Paul M. Angle

Some became great, others stayed as they were-- and their story tells of the rise of the Midwest

The Girls Behind The Guns

Author: Fairfax Downey

It’s the sort of thing that couldn’t happen now, but in the Revolution Molly Corbin and Molly Pitcher were first-rate cannoneers

The Camera Opens Its Eye On America

Author: D. Jay Culver

A special supplement prepared for American Heritage

The Music Of The Puritans

Author: Beatrice Hudson Flexner

A cultivated and subtle musical art form nourished the Puritans in the wilderness

The Great Bicycle Craze

Author: Fred C. Kelly

If its day was brief, it raised the hem, leveled the classes, and widened a generation’s horizons

The Remarkable American Count

Author: E. Alexander Powell

Brilliant Benjamin Thompson won world fame as Count Rumford the scientist but never dispelled his countrymen’s suspicions

The Man Who Discovered America

Author: Hisakazu Kaneko

The story of Manjiro, the shipwrecked waif; of the kindly captain from Fairhaven; and of how Japan, hidden away from the world, learned strange news of other lands

Why They Impeached Andrew Johnson

Author: David Herbert Donald

One of the saddest tales in American history tells how a well-intentioned President lost a dazzling opportunity