Featured Articles
Sketches From The Vanishing Landscape
Author: Eric Sloane
How A Madman Helped Save The Colonies
Author: James Thomas Flexner
Fort Stanwix was doomed—until the Iroquois heard the ravings of Hon Yost Schuyler
The Famous Cyclorama Of The Great Battle Of Atlanta
Author: Bruce Catton
There have been few more desperate fights than the one in which John B. Hood vainly tried to block the invasion of the South
Benjamin Franklin’s Grand Design
Author: Richard B. Morris
The Albany Plan of Union might have made the Revolution unnecessary
If Tortugas Let You Pass
Author: Hamilton Basso
How Cape Hatteras earned its evil notoriety as graveyard
of the Atlantic—and how it looked to a speculative novelist on tour
Dime Novels
Author: Mary Noel
This art form dismayed the moralist, delighted small boys, and somehow put its own stamp on the American legend
Light For Lincoln’s Statute
Author: Margaret French Cresson
A noble portrait was grotesque, until the shadows were changed
The Great Diamond Fraud
Author: Harry H. Crosby
Two slick miners fooled Tiffanys and Rothschilds until a geologist found the fake “mountain of gems”
How A Great Historian Studied A Great American
Author: Allan Nevins
Published here for the first time, Douglas Southall Freeman’s letters to the Carnegie Corporation telling of his research on Washington show
First "Dude Ranch" Trip to the Untamed West
Author: Alvin M. Josephy Jr.
Never again can there be a hunting party as gay or as risky as the one Sir William Stewart devised in 1843