
Featured Articles

William Phips And The Big Jackpot

Author: Bernard A. Weisberger

Maybe the American suceess myth began with this carpenter’s helper who rose to riches a title, and a governorship

Lazy Y And Flying U

Author: Duncan Emrich

A glimpse at the ancient lore of cattle brands

When New England Saw The Serpent

Author: Evarts Erickson

The Presidents And The Presidency

Author: Clinton Rossiter

Through the years the chief executive’s job has grown in power. Here is a study of the men who made it a greater office.

America’s Most Imitated Battle

Author: Lynn Montross

At Cowpens, Dan Morgan showed how militia can be used. The formula worked in three later fights.

The Ballad Of Cynthia Ann

Author: Donald Culross Peattie

Both grimness and beauty touch this haunting fragment of America’s past

The Birdmen At Belmont Park

Author: Thomas Naughton

It was quite an air meet. In 1910 it was sensational to see 14 planes aloft at one time, and the spectators seemed to feel the airplane was here to stay.

Pack-road To Yesterday

Author: Penrose Scull

What the old-time peddler meant in the development of the American frontier

If Only Mr. Madison Had Waited

Author: George Dangerfield

Gambling on a diplomatic coup with a wily Napoleon, he maneuvered America into the needless War of 1812

“Moschetoes Were Uncommonly Numerous”

Author: Laurence Farmer

Yellow fever killed 4,000 in Philadelphia in 1793, and puzzled doctors ignored the real clue to blame “miasmata” in the air.