
Featured Articles

Everybody Liked Henry Clay

Author: Clement Eaton

He never did win election to the presidency, but his life as a farmer was happy and he had a great many firm friends

Allan Mclane Unknown Hero Of The Revolution

Author: Fred J. Cook

Dashing fighter, daring scout, this romantic trooper played a large part in Washington’s triumph at Yorktown

And The Navy Got Its Wings

Author: G. Van Deurs

Rickety flight deck, primitive plane —

Sheaves Of Golden Grain

Author: Marshall Flshwick

Cyrus McCormick fought hard to win the “harvester war”—and brought the machine age to America’s farms

Builders For The Carriage Trade

Author: Harrison Kinney

The Brewsters spanned an era and spanned it with style

When They Built The Big Bridge

Author: Frances Williams Browin

John Roebling lost his life and his son lost his health, but after sixteen years the incredible Brooklyn Bridge was finished