
Featured Articles

The Unknown Conspirator

Author: Philip Van Doren Stern

Did the mysterious Portuguese sea captain help plot Lincoln’s assassination, or was he an informer?

The Slave Ship Rebellion

Author: Fred J. Cook

From the dark hold of the Amistad sprang a bold band who sailed her into history

Rebels And Redcoats

Author: George F. Scheer, Hugh F. Rankin

Participants describe the opening of the American Revolution

War Makes Thieves, Peace Hangs Them

Author: Roger Burlingame

In an era that condoned smuggling and lawbreaking the transition from privateer to pirate was easy

“I Find No Intellect Comparable To My Own”

Author: Perry Miller

Margaret Fuller very possibly spoke the truth, and the literary men of the age both admired and shied away from her

How Rails Saved a Seaport

Author: William B. Catton

John W. Garrett turned the pioneer Baltimore & Ohio into a great instrument for tapping the treasure of the West

The Needless War With Spain

Author: William E. Leuchtenburg

"The current was too strong, the demagogues too numerous, the fall elections too near"

The Man Who Killed Custer

Author: Stanley Vestal

To Stanley Vestal, the old Sioux warrior White Bull describes the day when he counted his greatest coup

First In Toga, First In Sandals—

Author: Margaret French Cresson