Featured Articles
The Terrible Triangle Fire
Author: Tom Brooks
The tragedy that trapped and killed 146 employees started small but made a big mark in history
A Spy For Washington
Author: Leonard Falkner
“Loyalist” John Honeyman bought cattle, kept his eyes open —and may have made the surprise victory at Trenton possible
The Tour Of Prince Napoleon
Selections from the letters of Lieutenant Colonel Camille Ferri Pisani, who accompanied Prince Napoleon on his state visit, touring the fronts, both North and South, visiting the West and meeting Lincoln and the men around him during the Union’s darkest days
Primer From A Green World
Author: Walter Havighurst
From his native background, William McGuffey drew texts to educate young Americans
The Perils Of The Waltz
Philip Hone’s New York
Author: Dorothie Bobb’
The magic of life in the, unfolding metropolis still breathes in the diary of a charming and witty mayor
History And How To Write It
Author: Dixon Wecter
A Few Men In Soldier Suits
Author: Helena Huntington Smith
A down-to-earth story of the way in which the German thrust at the Bulge was halted
The Philosopher’s Wife And The Wolf At The Door
Author: Elizabeth Bancroft Schlesinger
“Mr. Alcott,” wrote his patient, loving wife, “cannot bring himself to work for gain; but we have not yet learned to live without money.” And in earning it herself Mrs. Bronson Alcott helped invent modern social work
Soldier’s Return
Author: Dorothy Canfield Fisher
Sandy’s homecoming to Vermont didn’t work out quite the way they planned