
Featured Articles

Whither The Course Of Empire?

Author: Marshall B. Davidson

In five dramatic allegorical paintings, Thomas Cole echoed the fear of Americans, over a century ago, that all civilizations, our own included, must someday perish.

Two Civil War Letters


Missives, one by Mark Twain, the other by Walt Whitman, reflect the impact of the Civil War on the nation.

A Yankee Skipper Who Preyed On British Shipping Relates His Wartime Experiences

Author: A. C. M. Azoy

American sea captain George Coggeshall tells of his experiences evading the British navy during the War of 1812 and spending over half a century at sea.

When The President Disappeared

Author: John Stuart Martin

While panic gripped the nation in 1893, Grover Cleveland suffered his own secret ordeal on a yacht in Long Island Sound.

Heyday Of The Floating Palace

Author: Leonard V. Huber

Nicholas Roosevelt’s fire canoe transformed the Mississippi.

The Sergeant Major’s Strange Mission

Author: George F. Scheer

General Washington wanted Benedict Arnold taken alive, right in the heart of British-held New York.

Churchman Of The Desert

Author: Paul Horgan

In the wild Southwest, Archbishop Lamy of Santa Fe contended with savage Indians, ignorance, and a recalcitrant clergy.

The Bloody End Of Meeker’s Utopia

Author: Marshall Sprague

Even when death struck suddenly, the starry-eyed Indian agent was still dreaming of turning his Ute wards into white men overnight.

Prescott’s Conquests

Author: Thomas F. Mcgann

The great historian who so eloquently described the taking of Mexico and Peru won a great private victory of his own in the quiet of his study on Beacon Hill.

First By Land

Author: Morton M. Hunt

The river that disappointed him bears his name, but Alexander Mackenzie’s great achievement in slogging to the Pacific is now almost forgotten.