Featured Articles
“Savages Never Carved These Stones”
Author: André Emmerich
Magnificent Central American ruins, overgrown by the thickening jungle, testify to a sophisticated culture already ancient when Columbus sailed
The Know-Nothing Uproar
Author: Ray Allen Billington
Maria Monk’s lurid “disclosures” and Samuel Morse’s dire warnings launched a crusade of bigotry that almost won the White House
The Colonel’s Dream Of Power
Author: Robert S. Rifkind
In a little-known novel President Wilson’s private adviser depicted a benevolent American dictator
Sitting On A Gusher
Author: Hildegarde Dolson
How gullible Edwin L. Drake, an ailing ex-railroad conductor, brought about America’s first and gaudiest oil boom
He Did Hold Lincoln’s Hat
Author: Allan Nevins
Senator Douglas’ act is verified, at last, by first-hand testimony
A Winter’s Tale Or, The Legal Mind In Formation
Author: Charles Evans Hughes
Our Two Greatest Presidents
Author: Clinton Rossiter
Without doubt they were Washington, who walked carefully within the Constitution, and Lincoln, who stretched it as far as he dared
‘The Smoke, The Thunder, The Roar Of The Battle…”
Author: American Heritage Staff
Death of a Dirigible
Author: John Toland
“Come and see the boiling cloud,” said a woman on the ground; aloft, the slender Shenandoah headed straight into the eye of the vicious squall