
February 1960, Volume 11, No.2

Featured Articles

Grant At Shiloh

Author: Bruce Catton

Surprised and almost overwhelmed, he stubbornly refused to admit defeat. His cool conduct saved his army and his job

Journey Into Our Times

Author: Dean Acheson

The “conversion” of Arthur Vandenberg, told by a former Secretary of State, his sometime adversary but also his friend

“The Isles Shall Wait For His Law”

Author: Bradford Smith

So the Bible said, but American missionaries found Hawaii a paradise where pleasure reigned, and the sense of sin was difficult to teach

“General” Eaton And His Improbable Legion

Author: William Harlan Hale

Weary of his humiliating job—American pay-off man to the piratical Arab states—this bold Yankee civilian raised his own army and won our strangest foreign war

The Harvard Man In The Kremlin Wall

Author: Bertram D. Wolfe

John Reed was as American as apple pie and store cheese. Yet he was one of the founders of the Communist International, and his ashes lie under the Kremlin wall

How Wilbur Wright Taught Europe To Fly

Author: Charles H. Gibbs-Smith

The Town That Stopped The Clock

Author: Cabell Phillips

A noted newspaperman writes of his birthplace, a community in which time stood still—and then started backwards

America & Russia

Author: The Editors

Soldier in a Longboat

Author: George A. Billias

Three times John Glover’s Marblehead fishermen saved Washington’s army; in a final battle, the “amphibious regiment” rowed him to victory across the Delaware

The Money-maker

Author: Robert N. Linscott

How far back in American history can we find the old shell game in operation? Alas, pretty far.