
Featured Articles

Say It Ain’t So, Joe!

Author: Charles Boswell, Lewis Thompson

Foul was fair, and fair foul, when eight players of the championship White Sox conspired with gamblers to throw the 1919 World Series

The Enemies Of Empire

Author: Harold A. Larrabee

To the question of acquiring new territories overseas, and owning colonies, one group of Americans answered with a resounding “No!”

The Rage Of The Aged Lion

Author: William H. Townsend

Alone in his empty mansion, the venerable Cassius Clay took unto himself a scandalously youthful bride; when the posse came for him, they met more than their match

A Royal Welcome For The Russian Navy

Author: Marshall B. Davidson

Flags flew and champagne flowed when the Czar’s ships anchored in New York Harbor. Fifty years later we learned the reason for their surprise visit

Our Last King

Author: J. H. Plumb

Cursed by ancestry,bedeviled by his posterity, beset by forces he could not grasp, George III is usually remembered as the ogre of Jefferson’s Declaration. An eminent English historian reassesses that strange and pathetic personality

Ordeal In The Arctic

Author: A. L. Todd

As the debate about rescuing them droned on and on, Lieutenant Greely’s men were dying one by one

The Young Devils And Dan’l Webster

Author: Charles P. Curtis

When four aristocratic blackquards were jailed for a brutal murder, justice seemed triumphant. But these were no ordinary criminals, and justice needed eloquent help

Douglas, Deadlock, & Disunion

Author: Murat Halstead

In 1860, Southern delegates bolted the Democratic convention at Charleston. An eyewitness describes the first giant step toward secession

“Shall I Not Take Mine Ease In Mine Inn?”

Author: Rudolf A. Clemen

To Falstaff’s question, early America gave an unequivocal answer. Its roadside taverns were the traveler’s refuge and the townsman’s club