Featured Articles
Captor Of The Barefoot General
Author: Leonard Falkner
In a bold plot, a young Rhode Island officer caught the British commander of Newport in his nightshirt
Epitaph For The Steel Master
Author: Robert L. Heilbroner
Who dies rich, dies disgraced, said Andrew Carnegie. An economist re-examines his brash career in the light of that noble philosophy
Don’t Boil The Calliope Player, Or, Good News For Music Lovers
Author: Oliver Jensen
There Was Another South
Author: Carl N. Degler
Was the old South solidly for slavery and secession? An eminent historian disputes a long-cherished view of that region’s history
Nathaniel Bowditch The Practical Navigator
Author: Paul E. Rink
Salem’s irascible little “arithmetic sailor” made seamanship a science and left all mariners in his debt
Bread Upon The Waters
Author: E. M. Halliday
Twice in one generation we kept Russia from starving; the Kremlin plays it down, but the people we fed remember—and history will not forget
No Fuel, No Fumes, No Flats, No Fuss
Electric cars may come back but never, alas! the patrician Woods
“damned Plague Ships And Swimming Coffins”
Author: Mary Cable
On the long voyage from Bremen to America, the promised land, emigrants from eastern Europe endured a cramped, dangerous, and disease-haunted pilgrimage
Painter To The People
Author: James Thomas Flexner
In the rural scenes and native landscapes of William Sidney Mount a naive young America saw itself reflected to the life
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