Featured Articles
The Johnson Country War
Author: Helena Huntington Smith
Enraged by losses from their herds a band of respectable cattle barons took the law into their own hands—and barely escaped with their lives
Jones Vs. Jones
Author: William G. Mcloughlin
In Toledo a civic crusade matched the popular mayor against a famed evangelist—both with the same name
The Kings Census: 1577
Author: Irma Reed White
Philip II’s cédula real evoked from his overseas domains vivid picture-maps of life in Spanish America
Mad Old Man From Massachusetts
Author: Lawrence Lader
How gnarled, upright ex-President John Quincy Adams broke the South’s gag rule in Congress and at last won popular applause
Why Won’t They Work?
Author: Clifford B. Hicks
The search for perpetual motion is a tragicomedy of obsessed inventors, an eager faith, and humbug
The Famous Tax Included, Tea Was Still Cheaper Here
Author: Robert Cecil
An Englishman re-examines certain stereotyped attitudes on the American Revolution
What Samuel Wrought
Author: Marshall B. Davidson
To him, said Morse, art had been only “a cruel jilt.” Then Providence found other work for this complex, difficult Yankee
Lincoln And The Telegrapher