
Featured Articles

Artist Of A Buried World

Author: Victor W. Von Hagen

In the dense jungle lay the ruins of an imposing culture, unknown and unsuspected. But Frederick Catherwood, with his pencil and brush, made the silent stones speak

Panic Rides The High Seas

Author: Frederic F. Van De Water

A hysterical captain thought he detected mutiny. After a hasty court-martial, three men were hanged—one the son of the Secretary of War. Then the uproar began

Frank Merriwell At Yale Again And Again And Again

Author: Stewart H. Holbrook

Harvard men blanched, cads fled, girls got trembly, and Horatio Alger took a back seat when manly Frank appeared. Score? Twenty million words

The Passing Of The Passenger Pigeon

Author: Charlton Ogburn, Jr.

These wild birds once inhabited North America by the billions. Yet in three centuries they were exterminated by “civilized” man

The Road To Yalta

Author: William Harlan Hale

A dozen arduous years lay between our recognition of the Soviets and the conference in Crimea; then the friendship so briefly rekindled flickered out again

The Letters Of Publius

Author: William F. Swindler

Writing in haste under this antique pseudonym, three young men produced a running defense of the hold new American Constitution. After 173 years, The Federalist still casts a very long shadow

The Look Of The Last Frontier


Harvey Dunn’s canvases re-create the hopes, the heartbreaks, and the high courage of South Dakota’s hardy pioneers

Alfred Ely Beach And His Wonderful Pneumatic Underground Railway

Author: Robert Daley

Underneath Broadway the workmen dug in secret. Then a startled public learned that their city had—a subway