
Featured Articles

They Were All Sure Shots

Author: James B. Trefethen

To a wide-eyed public Buffalo Billpresented a group of matchless marksmen —and one unforgettable girl—whose prowess with a rifle was wonderful to see

Private Yankee Doodle

Author: Joseph Plumb Martin

A narrative of some of the adventures, dangers and sufferings of a revolutionary soldier, interspersed with anecdotes of incidents that occurred within his own observation.

Thackeray In Love

Author: Lida Mayo

“You may marry anybody you please & I don’t care.” Thus the famous English author to wild, pretty Sally Baxter of New York; which is to say that he—and his American love—never got over it at all.

Ocean To Ocean—by Automobile!

Author: Bruce Catton

Cross-country touring was difficult, half a century ago, but if you could make it, you really had an adventure

Secession’s Mailbag


The Confederacy did not spring into life full-blown. First a few states seceded, and then, one by one, others followed them out of the Union. Some wavered but never took the final leap. This surge to rebellion is reflected in the rare and colorful southern patriotic envelopes shown here, which come from the collection of Captain T. S. Dukeshire of Washington, D.C.

Sanctuary In Adobe

Author: Nancy Newhall


Author: Ralph K. Andrist

Minnesota’s Sioux uprising began with senseless murder on a peaceful Sunday afternoon. Before it ended, the smell of death was everywhere

The Disquieting Quaker

Author: Blanche Day

A hundred years ahead of his time, the fiery abolitionist Benjamin Lay assaulted the consciences of Philadelphia slaveowners—and won

Thanks, But No Thanks, Mr. Bell

Author: Joseph G. Cannon

The powerful Speaker of the House missed not one but two chances to invest in AT&T in the early days