Featured Articles
Faces From The Past-viii
The Electoral College: Does It Choose The Best Man?
Author: Harry Louis Selden
It nearly Put Burr in the saddle in 1800
It failed to confirm the people’s choice in 1824, 1876, and 1888
It could have ditched Kennedy in 1960
The Dark World Of David Gilmour Blythe
Author: James Thomas Flexner
In an age when art radiated nothing hut light and optimism, this self-taught painter from Pittsburgh saw another, more somber side of American life
The Courtship Of Woodrow Wilson
"So Ends The Great Rebel Army…”
Author: Bruce Catton
To Union Colonel Charles S. Wainwright, Lincoln was a weak President, Grant an uninspired commander, Lee a slippery foe. His outspoken diary, never published before, memorably describes the Civil War’s final year
The Farm Boy And The Angel
Author: Carl Carmer
Of sensitive, mystical Joseph Smith, of a heavenly visitor and a buried scripture, and of the founding of a new religion destined to enlist many followers and carve from the desert a new Zion
“And All About Were Men Crying…”
Author: Berry Benson
A Sword For George Rogers Clark
Author: Walter Havighurst
Far from the war’s main currents, a resourceful Virginian set off down the swift Ohio to win its strategic valley for the cause ofindependence
Brothers Reunited
Wish You Were Here
Author: Sander Davidson
Home, Mother, and the Flag; humor, pathos, and bathos; the lost look of Main Street fifty years ago, in the heyday of the horse and trolley—the old picture post card preserves it all