
Featured Articles

Our Fellow Immigrants

Author: Robert Froman

From the Old to the New World have come not only men but mice, peas and pigeons, cabbages and goats—multitudes of animal and vegetable settlers that have thrived in their adopted land

A Man Of Conscience

Author: Robert L. Reynolds

In an era when political morality had sunk low, an immigrant, Carl Schurz, helped rally the republic to its ancient ideals

“here Is My Home At Last!”

Author: Carl Carmer

When Brigham Young’s party abandoned Illinois to seek a final refuge for the Latter-day Saints, none knew where they would come to rest. But as they entered Salt Lake Valley, they were sure that the long quest was over

Was The Secretary Of War A Traitor?

Author: W. A. Swanberg

On the brink of the Civil War southern arsenals began to fill with thousands of federal guns, sent there by a Cabinet officer

America On Ice

Author: Dick Button

No matter how chilly, there was no place like a slick stretch of ice on which to exercise and socialize in wintertime. All it took was a pair of skates—and a sense of humor when one’s sense of balance failed

Conquest And The Cross

Author: Lewis Hanke

Bartolomé de Las Casas was a voice crying in the wilderness against the ruthlessness of the conquistadors. Was the “Black Legend” true?

G. Washington Meets A Test

Author: Thomas Fleming

What were the French up to in the Ohio Valley in 1753? Setting out in search of an answer, a bold young major from Virginia soon found himself skirting catastrophe

Six Minutes That Changed The World

Author: Samuel Eliot Morison

At 10:24 on the morning of June 4, 1942, the Japanese seemed to have won the Battle of Midway—and with it the Pacific war. By 10:30 things were different