
Featured Articles

“It Is … A Small College … Yet, There Are Those Who Love It”

Author: Richard N. Current


The Man Who Invented Panama

Author: Eric Sevareid

A distinguished newsman recalls a snowy night in wartime Paris, when a radio network briefly rescued from obscurity “one of the most extraordinary Frenchmen who ever lived”

Meeting With The West

Author: Carl H. Boehringer

In the 1860’s, Japanese artists pictured the first Americans in a newly opened land. Their work was a mixture of keen observation and delightful misinformation

My Father’s Grocery Store

Author: Paul M. Angle

It was a lot of work, but somehow running a retail food store in the pre-cellophane era was rewarding

Mammon & Monuments

Author: Walter Muir Whitehill

Commercial enterprise and history seldom make comfortable bedfellows

End Of A Friendship

Author: Charles Seymour

“Mr. House is my second personality,” said Woodrow Wilson early in his Presidency. Then, as the Paris Peace Conference proceeded, the friendship dissolved —for reasons that have never been fully understood. As he lay dying in 1938, Colonel House gave his explanation to President Charles Seymour of Yale, editor of his Intimate Papers , with the understanding that it remain secret for 25 years after his death. Here, for the first time, it is revealed.

The Action Off Flamborough Head

Author: Oliver Warner

His main-deck guns were silenced, his hold was filling fast, and one of his own ships was firing into him. Still John Paul Jones refused to strike

Mark Twain’s San Francisco

Author: Bernard Taper

Sam Clemens, jack of many trades, hit the big town in 1864. Two years later, his true vocation discovered, he strode upon the national scene as Mark Twain