
Featured Articles

The Action Off Flamborough Head

Author: Oliver Warner

His main-deck guns were silenced, his hold was filling fast, and one of his own ships was firing into him. Still John Paul Jones refused to strike

Mark Twain’s San Francisco

Author: Bernard Taper

Sam Clemens, jack of many trades, hit the big town in 1864. Two years later, his true vocation discovered, he strode upon the national scene as Mark Twain

When Chicago Burned


The whole center of the metropolis was ablaze: a hundred thousand people fled from their homes in panic

A Tax On Whiskey? Never!

Author: Gerald Carson

To the backwoods distillers of Pennsylvania, that was like taxing the air they breathed. Rut the government was deadly serious: the Constitution itself was at stake

The Fantastic Adventures Of Captain Stobo

Author: Robert C. Alberts

Into seven crucial years of American colonial history, a young Scots-American officer packed more of the stuff that makes heroes than perhaps a dozen more illustrious men. Yet today his name has slipped into almost complete obscurity

“I Have Been Basely Murdered”

Author: Howard H. Peckham

So spoke the Union general a few minutes after he was shot in the crowded lobby of a hotel in Louisville. His killer, a fellow general and subordinate, never regretted the deed—and never paid for it

The Ordeal Of The Kanrin Maru

Author: Emily V. Warinner

New evidence suggests that Manjiro, the first Japanese to see the U. S., not only played an unrecognized part in the opening of Japan, but also helped save the pride of its young navy from a watery grave

“It Is … A Small College … Yet, There Are Those Who Love It”

Author: Richard N. Current


The Man Who Invented Panama

Author: Eric Sevareid

A distinguished newsman recalls a snowy night in wartime Paris, when a radio network briefly rescued from obscurity “one of the most extraordinary Frenchmen who ever lived”