Featured Articles
The Year Of The Old Folks’ Revolt
Author: David H. Bennett
To men and women adrift in a changing society and caught in the Depression’ whirlpool, Francis R. Townsend held out the welcome hand of a savior
General Sully Reports
Author: Langdon Sully
In vivid paintings and prose a professional army officer recorded a career that spanned nearly forty years and mirrored the history of the American West
Baroness On The Battlefield
Not all the Hessians taken prisoner at Saratoga were soldiers, nor were all of them men. There was also, with her three small daughers,
Gaudery On Wheels
“Mama, They’ve Begun Again!”
Author: Bruce Bliven
Bronson Alcott and his transcendental friends hardly ever stopped talking. It left almost no time for mundane things like food and shelter
Why Washington Stood Up In The Boat
Author: George F. Scheer
A memoir by a fellow artist who watched the genesis of a favorite American historical painting clarifies
The Grand Acquisitor
Author: Robert L. Heilbroner
When it was raining porridge, Lucy Rockefeller said, John D.’s dish was always right side up
Faces From The Past—xv
The Debts We Never Paid
Author: Robert Wernick
Before condemning the ingratitude of our foreign-aid clients, consider the lamentable plight of those earlier foreigners who invested in an underdeveloped America
The Father of the Wizard Oz
Author: Daniel P. Mannix