
Featured Articles

Apple Pie Without Apples

Author: Captain John R. Sibbald

When Gentlemen Prepared For War

Author: Francis Russell

In the summer of 1915, 1,300 blue bloods played soldier for thirty days at Plattsburg. A bully time was had by all—even though it was a far cry from the real thing

The Trumpeter Of Doomsday

Author: Harold A. Larrabee

William Miller applied good Yankee arithmetic to biblical prophecies and convinced thousands that the hour of Christ’s Second Coming was upon them

Farewell To The Ferry

Author: C. Bradford Mitchell

The nation’s waterways, once crisscrossed by countless ferries, are now bridged or tunnelled, and all but a few of the romantic old surface shuttles are, alas, sounding their final whistles and bells

The Operator And The Emperors

Author: Lately Thomas

An exile from his own land, ex-Senator William Gwin dreamed of lostmines in Sonora, an Eldorado for unreconstructed Confederates, and a title in Maximilian’s Mexico

“Fill Yourself Up, Clean Your Plate”

Author: Archie Robertson

Among the Pennsylvania Dutch, both plain and fancy, the milk is yet, the schnitz-un-gnepp delights the soul, and the soup is thick enough to stand on

The City Of The Living God

Author: Francisco LÓpez De GÓmara

From a long-obscure life of Cortés, written by his own secretary, comes a narrative of the incredible splendors of Moctezuma’s Axtec capital

The Ordeal Of William Penn

Author: Francis Biddle

Long before he founded his Quaker commonwealth in America, he stood up for religious freedom against the awesome power of the Crown — and put the entire English-speaking world in his debt