
Featured Articles

Your Ball, Sam


A few kind words from down under

A Little Milk, A Little Honey

Author: David Boroff

Jewish immigrants to America crowded into a tight ethnic huddle on New York’s Lower Rast Side. Yet for most of them it was still a land of promise

Requiem For A Courthouse

Author: David G. Lowe

The bleak future of Hudson County’s lovely old seat of government illustrates the threat to our heritage of beauty from a generation that neither builds nor remembers well

“There I Grew Up”

Author: William E. Wilson

So Abraham Lincoln summed up his boyhood in Indiana. Posterity has made of it a romantic legend, spent in a dark, smoky, crowded, deep in the wilderness

Big Bill Taft

Author: Stephen Hess

The only American ever to be both President and Chief Justice of this country was jolly, energetic, and weighed over three hundred pounds.

Photographer To Oildom

Author: T. K. Stratton

The Wealth Of Presidents

Author: Henry F. Graff

At least one President was a multi-millionaire. Another had gone hroke. Several had made fortunes in land speculations or memoir-writing, while one had lost everything in trade. Two were so well-off they refused the salary; another considered resigning because he couldn’t live on it. One thing all have discovered: The American people, who have elected some rich men and some poor men (though no beggars or thieves), are never indifferent to

“me For Ma—and I Ain’t Got A Dern Thing Againts Pa”

Author: Robert S. Gallagher

Alabama’s Lurleen Wallace is not the first wife to stand in for her husband on the political stage. “Farmer Jim” Ferguson ran his Miriam for governor of Texas five times, and twice the voters elected her

Images Of Elegant New York

Author: Louis Auchincloss