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Gentleman Johnny’s Wandering Army

Author: Thomas Fleming

Defeated at Saratoga, Burgoyne’s troops faced nearly five years of enforced exile in a hostile countryside

Addressee Unknown


The British commander felt the rebels didn't a real army. But letters he addressed to "George Washington, Esq." were returned to sender.

“I Was Once a Great Warrior”

Author: Thomas Froncek

The tragedy of Black Hawk, who became the eponym of a war he tried to avoid

George Washington Sat Here … And Here …

Author: Mary Sayre Haverstock

Commerce Through A Looking Glass


In the early days of giveaways the pocket mirror was a handy means of promoting a product: the advertisement was on one side, the customer on the other

Our Brothers’ Keepers

Author: David J. Rothman

In a society grown steadily more affluent over two centuries, the existence of the poor has raised some baffling questions and surprising answers

The Capital Of Capitalism

Author: Curtis Webber

Ever since 1792, bulls and bears together have tripped the light fantastic on Wall Street’s sidewalks—and sometimes just tripped