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An Artist-sportsman’s Portfolio


A. B. Frost faithfully recorded the woodland pursuits of himself and his affluent friends

Books We Think You’ll Like

Author: Barbara Klaw

Samuel Eliot Morison Award 1978


David McCullough’s

Voices Of A Vanished Amoskeag

Author: Randolph Langenbach

The life and death of the world’s largest textile mill, in the words of the men and women who worked there

The U.S. And Castro, 1959–1962

Author: Hugh Thomas

Was the Cuban leader always a Marxist or did the United States impel him in that direction? A distinguished historian of Cuban affairs examines the critical years when the Castro revolution became a communist dictatorship.

Mrs. Jack And Her Back Bay Palazzo

Author: Joseph J. Thorndike, Jr.

Sailors, Ships & Seatowns

Author: Roger R. Olmsted

Images of the Maritime West

“Chief Satanta, I Presume?”

Author: T. H. Watkins

Henry Morion Stanley, who later found Dr. Livingstone, reports the Treaty of Medicine Lodge, Kansas, October, 1867

Big Grizzly

Author: John Lukacs

Gargantuan, gross, and cynical, the patrician boss Boies Penrose descended from aristocracy to dominate Pennsylvania Republican politics for thirty years

Gentlemen Afield

Author: John G. Mitchell

They went to the woods with rod and gun—and gloves, servants, caviar, and champagne