
June/July 1979, Volume 30, No.4

Featured Articles

“When Does This Place Get to New York?”

Author: Geoffrey Bocca

The Queen Mary in Peace and War


Author: Rudi Stern

Head Lines


Presidents Emeritus

Author: John Whiteclay Chambers II

The ex-Presidency now carries perquisites and powers that would have amazed all but the last few who have held that office

Mirror Of Zion


The Utah Photographs of George Edward Anderson

A Summer’s Wait

Author: Mark Van Doren

A young poet’s memories of the old rural America in whose fields he worked for two sunny months while awaiting the call to service in the First World War

The Green Flag In America

Author: Thomas Fleming

For more than a century, Irish-Americans were whipsawed between love for their tormented native land and loyalty to the United States. But no more .

“To A Distant And Perilous Service”

Author: Richard Reinhardt

Westward with the course of empire Colonel Jonathan Drake Stevenson took his way in 1846. With him went the denizens of New York’s Tammany wards, oyster cellars, and gin mills—the future leaders of California.