Featured Articles
The Philadelphia Ladies Association
Author: Mary Beth Norton
Although it has been disparaged as “General Washington’s Sewing Circle,” this venture was the first nationwide female organization in America
“American Art Really Exists”
Author: Marshall B. Davidson
said a New York newspaper when the Metropolitan opened its American Wing in 1924. This spring, a new, grander American Wing once again displays the collection that Lewis Mumford found “not merely an exhibition of art,” but “a pageant of American history.”
Sigmund Freud’s Sortie To America
Author: Ronald W. Clark
The Father of Psychoanalysis came, saw, conquered—and didn’t like it much
The First Hurrah
Author: Louis W. Koenig
Presidential candidates stayed above the battle until William Jennings Bryan stumped the nation in 1896; they’ve been in the thick of it ever since
An Artist Among The Shakers
Helen Keller—Movie Star
Author: Joseph P. Lash