
Featured Articles

The Philadelphia Ladies Association

Author: Mary Beth Norton

Although it has been disparaged as “General Washington’s Sewing Circle,” this venture was the first nationwide female organization in America

“American Art Really Exists”

Author: Marshall B. Davidson

said a New York newspaper when the Metropolitan opened its American Wing in 1924. This spring, a new, grander American Wing once again displays the collection that Lewis Mumford found “not merely an exhibition of art,” but “a pageant of American history.”

Sigmund Freud’s Sortie To America

Author: Ronald W. Clark

The Father of Psychoanalysis came, saw, conquered—and didn’t like it much

The First Hurrah

Author: Louis W. Koenig

Presidential candidates stayed above the battle until William Jennings Bryan stumped the nation in 1896; they’ve been in the thick of it ever since



The Apotheosis of the Motor Coach

The Revolution Remembered


Newly Discovered Eyewitness Accounts of the War for Independence

Out Of This World

Author: June Sprigg

The Shakers as a Nineteenth-Century Tourist Attraction

Helen Keller—Movie Star

Author: Joseph P. Lash