
Featured Articles

A Heritage Preserved

Author: T. H. Watkins


“Ocean To Ocean In An Automobile Car”

Author: Stephen W. Sears

The first transcontinental auto trip began with a casual wager and ended sixty-five bone-jarring days later

The Dentist And The Empress

Author: Gerald Carson

The mob was at the palace gates; her husband was already a prisoner; the servants were stealing imperial treasures before her eyes; Empress Eugénie turned to the one man in France she could trust—Dr. Thomas W. Evans of Lancaster, Pa.

The Bohemian Club

Author: Richard Reinhardt

For more than a century, the august members of this San Francisco body have enjoyed a unique, all-male midsummer night’s dream

Liquid Assets


A Texas Pioneer’s Unusual Gift to His City

Spying For The Yanks

Author: Constantine Fitzgibbon

The safest, fastest, most convivial operation in the annals of espionage

The Forty-Day Scout


A trooper’s firsthand account of an adventure with the
Indian-fighting army in the American Southwest

Good Reading

Author: Barbara Klaw