
Featured Articles

From Camelot To Abilene

Author: John Lukacs

To Owen Wister, the unlikely inventor of the cowboy legend, the trail rider was a survivor from the Middle Ages – “the last cavalier,” savior of the Anglo-Saxon race

Canines To Canaan

Author: Clark C. Spence

The Story of Some Forgotten Four-Footed Pioneers

Mason Weems, Bibliopolist

Author: Garry Wills

To mark the birthdays of our two great Presidents, a new look at the legends that surround their memory …
An admiring re-appraisal of the Cherry Tree Fable and its author, by Garry Wills , together with the
Curious Story of Abraham Lincoln’s Lost Love Letters, by Don E. Fehrenbacher

Lincoln’s Lost Love Letters

Author: Don E. Fehrenbacher

A cache of letters, discovered in 1928 and published in the Atlantic Monthly, proved that Abraham Lincoln had really loved Ann Rutledge. Or did they?

A Bulwark Against Mighty Woes


The Hundredth Anniversary of the American Red Cross

“A Very Good Specimen Of The Daguerreotype”

Author: Marian S. Carson

The story behind the recently rediscovered picture that proved to the world that the human face could be photographed

Thank You For Not Smoking

Author: Gordon L. Dillow


Good Reading

Author: Barbara Klaw

The Cost Of Living In America, 1800—1980

Author: John A. Garraty

A Graphic Treatment

Town & Country

Author: Stiles Tuttle Colwill

The Smaller, Greener Baltimore of Francis Guy