
Featured Articles

The Rock of Chickamauga

Author: Peter Andrews

Lee. Grant. Jackson. Sherman. Thomas. Yes, George Henry Thomas belongs in that company. The trouble is that he and Grant never really got along.

The Big Parade

Author: Thomas Fleming

Once the South was beaten, Eastern and Western troops of the Union army resented each other so violently that some feared for the survival of the victorious government. Then, the tension disappeared in one happy stroke that gave the United States its grandest pageant, and General Sherman the proudest moment of his life.

A War That Never Goes Away

Author: James M. McPherson

More than the Revolution, more than the Constitutional Convention, it was the crucial test of the American nation. The author of Battle Cry of Freedom, the most successful recent book on the subject, explains why the issues that fired the Civil War are as urgent in 1990 as they were in 1861.

The Slave Who Sued for Freedom

Author: Jon Swan

While the American Revolution was still being fought, Mum Bett declared that the new nation’s principle of liberty must extend to her, too. It took 80 years and a far-more-terrible war to confirm the rights that she had demanded.

The Fires of Norfolk

Author: Ivan Musicant

At war’s outbreak, a frightened commander was ready to give away the Union’s greatest navy yard.

Lee’s Greatest Victory

Author: Robert K. Krick

During three days in May 1863, the Confederate leader took astonishing risks to win one of the most skillfully conducted battles in history. But the cost turned out to be too steep.