Featured Articles
Fortress America
Author: Alexander O. Boulton
A Romanesque mansion in Chicago was built to forbid outsiders, while providing a warm welcome to guests.
The Radical Revolution
Author: Fredric Smoler
For years, people have argued that France had the real revolution and that ours was mild by comparison. But now, a powerful new book argues that the American Revolution was the most sweeping in all history. It alone established a pure commercial culture that makes America the universal society we are today.
The Home Front
Author: Oliver Jensen
The American Revolution was in fact a bitter civil war, and a remarkable book offers us perhaps the most intimate picture we have of what it was like for the ordinary people who got caught in its terrible machinery.
Private Flohr’s America
Author: Robert A. Selig
From Newport to Yorktown and the battle that won the war: A German foot soldier who fought for American independence tells all about it in a newly discovered memoir.
Cigarette Century
Author: John A. Meyer
In the past 70 years, while several major diseases have been eradicated, one has risen from obscurity to take its place among the nation’s leading killers.
The Seventeenth Largest Army
Author: Gene Smith
The old Regular Army, part fairy tale and part dirty joke, was generally either ignored or disdained. But its people went about their work with a dogged humdrum gallantry, and when the storm broke, they helped save the world.