Featured Articles
The Road to Modern Atlanta
Author: Henry Wiencek
THE VISITORS WHO COME HERE FOR THE OLYMPICS this summer won’t find Tara. What they will find is a city facing an unusual and sometimes painful past with clarity of vision and generosity of spirit.
A World in the Middle of the Ocean
Author: J. M. Fenster
At their zenith, the great transatlantic liners were lean runways for Schiaparelli dresses and Sulka dressing gowns, gorgeous stage sets for ship-to-shore gossip, bon mots, cocktail shakers, and dancing all night. It still can happen.
Presidents in Stone in the Woods of Ohio
Author: Ezra Goldstein
The Power of Live Steam
Author: John H. White, Jr.
They are 30 years gone from our main lines, but, all across the country, steam locomotives are pulling trainloads of passengers into the past. A lifelong student of the great age of American railroad reveals some of the most impressive.
Landmarks on the Rim
Author: Michael S. Durham
People visit the Grand Canyon for scenery, not architecture. But an assortment of buildings there, infused with history and the sensibility of one strong woman, are worth a long look.
Caution: I Brake for History
Author: Douglas Brinkley
A BOLD NEW KIND OF COLLEGE COURSE BRINGS the student directly to the past, non-stop, overnight, in squalor and glory, for weeks on end.