
December 1998, Volume 49, No.8

Featured Articles

Coya Knutson: The Woman of the Century

Author: Richard Reeves

You’ve likely never heard of her.

America the Apologetic

Author: Richard Brookhiser

Should our leaders say they’re sorry about slavery? About Indians? About their personal behavior? Such questions are hardly new; public contrition has been a national preoccupation for centuries.

Fly Me to the Moon

Author: Max Rudin

Reflections on the Rat Pack: Many people know what they did. This is what they meant.

Sometimes, Our Job Is to Say No

Author: Jesse Helms

The head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee explains why it has always frustrated presidents, and why it doesn’t have to.

Meeting the Japanese Pilot Who Killed My Dad

Author: Francis R. Stevens, Jr.

Half a century after his father’s death, he struck up an extraordinary friendship with the man who shot his plane down.

Real Work in Deep Snow

Author: Tom Brokaw

Connections with childhood, with a way of looking at life, and with a generation that remade our world

Who Was Wyatt Earp?

Author: Allen Barra

From law officer to murderer to Hollywood consultant: the strange career of a man who became myth

How to Enjoy Christmas Without George Bailey

Author: Thomas Macaren

Here are 12 classic holiday movies worth seeing when you can’t sit through It’s a Wonderful Life one more time.