
Featured Articles

1964 - The Year the 60s Began

Author: Joshua Zeitz

Viewing a transformation that still affects all of us—through the prism of a single year

“A Total Eclipse of the Sonny” (Liston)

Author: Nathan Ward

Cassius Clay Gives a Thrashing to Sonny Liston

That Was the Year that Was

Author: Karen Hornick

On what they still called their “home screens,” Americans got to watch the future.

The Car of the Year (and a Half)

Author: Phil Patton

The Ford Mustang changed the industry because its creator realized that “people want economy so badly, they don’t care what they pay for it.”

The Cost of Living

Author: Phil Patton

What we spent to get through 1964

The Greatest Series?

Author: Allen Barra

Just as the year changed the nation, so its World Series changed American sports.

The World’s Fair

Author: John Steele Gordon

It was a disaster from the beginning.

The Other British Invasion

Author: Allen Barra

In 1964, the most popular movie star in America had a license to kill from the British government.

Hazardous to Your Health

Author: J.M. Fenster

The Surgeon General makes his case.

The Myths Surrounding Kitty Genovese's Murder

Author: Jim Rasenberger

It was a story so disturbing that we all still remember it. But what if it wasn’t true?