
Featured Articles

The Lost Love Of A Bachelor President

Author: Philip Shriver Klein

The strongest traits in his own character led James Buchanan to tragedy in his love for Ann Coleman—and changed history, 40 years later

Mutiny At West Point

Author: R. Ernest Dupuy

In 1817, “Old Pewt’s” rebellious cadets met their master in Sylvanus Thayer

Glory In Stone

Author: Donald Culross Peattie

The great age of Christian faith fulfilled its passion of spirit in the soaring vaults and glowing glass of the Gothic cathedral

Chats With Henry Adams

Author: Jacob E. Cooke

Never before published, Frederic Bancroft’s diary jottings give an intimate picture of a great historian at his leisure

The Garden Of Eden And The Deacon’s Meadow

Author: Perry Miller

To early Americans the Old Testament and its scenes, even its speech and names, were as familiar as their own backyard

The Man Who Didn’t Shoot Washington

Author: Reginald Hargreaves

Major Patrick Ferguson's instinct of chivalry spared the life of an American officer with “a remarkable large cocked hat” who was reconnoitering at Chadds Ford and came within range of British rifles.

How Steam Blew The Rowdies Out Of The Fire Departments

Author: Robert S. Holzman

The old volunteer system was colorful, but it could do more harm than good—and the efficiency of machinery finally replaced it

The Great Chief Justice

Author: Fred Rodell

Neither the Constitution nor the laws but John Marshall made the Court Supreme