Featured Articles
Collaborationist: 1776
Newspaper ads from occupied New York illumine Revolutionary War loyalties
The End Of Formalized Warfare
Author: Louis Morton
Military science was very rigid in the 1600’s. It quickly changed when Americans began to fight Indians
Evangelists To The Machine Age
Author: Bernard A. Weisberger
Calling millions to repentance, Moody and Sankey devised a new method of spreading the gospel
General Howe’s Orderly Book
Never before printed, the headquarters record of the British conqueror of New York illuminates crucial events of the American Revolution.
The Blockade That Failed
Author: Daniel O’flaherty
Not until the Civil War was about over did the U.S. Navy manage to put a halt to the South’s imports
Made For America
Author: Ruth B. Davidson
Distant lands supplied patriotic tableware to the new Republic
Spoiled Child Of American Politics
Author: John A. Garraty
Henry Cabot Lodge was a public man in the old sense—one who was often wrong but never evil
Crazy Bill Had A Down Look
Author: Louis C. Jones
Quaint pictures and a grim story tell of prejudice and mob passion in upstate New York of the 1840’s
A Medical Profile Of George Washington
Author: Rudolph Marx, M.d.
Stalwart as he was, the general was often ill. A doctor studies his record and notes shortcomings in Eighteenth-Century medical care.