
Featured Articles

Uncle Tom, The Theater And Mrs. Stowe

Author: Richard Moody

Brought to the stage without her consent, this enduring American drama did not bring the author a cent—but it gave actors a living for generations

In Defense Of the Victorian House

Author: John Maass

Despite lapses in taste and confusion as to style the Nineteenth-Century architect knew that he was doing, and often did it well

Lord Liverpool And the United States

Author: George Dangerfield

Spokesman for a rising industrialism, this prime minister bid for free trade with the United States and helped to create something quite different

Martyr For A Free Press

Author: Alvin Harlow

Matthew Lyon did not like John Adams, and insisted on his right to say so. He spent months in jail but he could not be silenced.

Death On The Dark River

Author: Cedric A. Larson

Most terrible steamboat disaster in history, probably, was the loss of the Sultana in 1865. Some 1,700 returning Union veterans died—yet the tragedy got very few headlines.

The Primitive and the Park


A recently discovered sketchbook of Lewis Miller

The Giants of American Conservatism

Author: Clinton Rossiter

A thoughtful discussion of the men who contributed the most to what is now the dominant political pattern

Palmetto Fort, Palmetto Flag

Author: A. C. M. Azoy

Aided by certain residents of South Carolina, Colonel Moultrie built a fort, beat a British fleet, and started an enduring legend of valor

Three Years with Grant

Author: Benjamin P. Thomas, Sylvanus Cadwallader

The memoirs of Civil War correspondent SYLVANUS CADWALLADER were recently discovered and edited by Lincoln biographer Benjamin Thomas

Outside Vicksburg

Author: Benjamin P. Thomas

General Grant escapes the swamps and a War Department move to relieve him of command