The Ten Most-Influential Americans Since 1954 (April/May 2004 | Volume: 55, Issue: 2)

The Ten Most-Influential Americans Since 1954

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Authors: Allen Barra

Historic Era: Era 10: Contemporary United States (1968 to the present)

Historic Theme:


April/May 2004 | Volume 55, Issue 2

With American Heritage approaching its 50th birthday in December 2004, we’ve asked five prominent historians and cultural commentators to each pick ten leading developments in American life during the last half-century. In this issue, Alien Barra, American Heritage’s film reviewer and a wide-ranging historian and cultural critic, whose most recent books include Inventing Wyatt Earp: His Life and Many Legends and Clearing the Bases: The Greatest Baseball Debates of the Last Century, selects the ten biggest changes in popular culture. In other issues this year, our writers offer their choices of the half-century’s biggest transformations in politics; innovation and technology; business; and the home and the family.

This essay began as a listing of the ten greatest changes in popular culture in the past 50 years, but, the more I mulled it over, the more I grew convinced that the discussion could have meaning only if it focused on people—artists and writers who either were at the forefront of change or who best symbolized it. No one would deny that art and culture are the products of complex socio-economic forces, but if they aren’t also shaped and formed by the personalities and talents of human beings, what is? Andy Warhol didn’t create pop art (well, he did, sort of, though somebody would surely have done it if he hadn’t), but he certainly created the look of pop art as we know it.

How does one measure the ten greatest changes in popular culture over the past half-century? Well, how do you define “popular culture”? I ask only two things of popular culture: first, that it be popular and second, that it have something legitimate to do with culture. (Stephen King, for instance, has probably been the most popular novelist over this period, but it would be hard to make a case for his changing our culture.)

Culture takes in many different art forms, so I have tried to include people whose intelligence, creativity, and dynamism have effected change in jazz, rock, film, television, and pop art, as well as literature and journalism. To say that I could have legitimately extended this list to 20 or even 30 names in no way lessens the impact of the 10 (or 11) offered here.

1) James Dean

Yes, Brando, of course. But James Dean popularized the same acting style and made it a focus for teenage rebellion. It could be argued, in fact, that, as a beacon for teenage angst, his image predates rock ’n’ roll.

It could also be argued that, by dying dramatically in 1955, he did as much for the next generation of actors as Brando did by living. Nearly every moody, sexy young actor to follow in his wake, from Paul Newman (who was cast in roles that would have gone to Dean) to Benicio Del Toro (who gave Dean’s style an ethnic flavor), owes him much.

2) Miles Davis

Let us count the ways in