At Home in Edenton, North Carolina (February/March 2004 | Volume: 55, Issue: 1)

At Home in Edenton, North Carolina

AH article image

Authors: Jane Colihan

Historic Era: Era 10: Contemporary United States (1968 to the present)

Historic Theme:


February/March 2004 | Volume 55, Issue 1

“How did you hear about The Pilgrimage?” asked a volunteer at the Barker House when I showed up to buy a ticket. “Newspaper? Radio? We like to know what works.” In fact, it was an accident that brought me to town last April. A lull in science-fair projects at home and the chance to meet up with an old college friend happened to coincide with the spring weekend, once every two years, when Edenton opens its private houses to the public. Following the lead of larger Southern cities like Natchez and Charleston, Edenton calls its tour, a tradition since 1949, The Pilgrimage, a word that conveys the reverence this part of the world attaches to home and family.

Edenton, in northeastern North Carolina, sits on a small peninsula on Albemarle Sound. Founded in 1722 and named the colony’s capital six years later, Edenton became a busy port, shipping lumber, food crops, and slaves. Confident in the future, lawyers and merchants built houses, organized a church, and put up a courthouse. But, just as Edenton was coming into its own, its fortunes began to decline. In 1766, the capital was moved to New Bern, and after 1805, the Dismal Swamp Canal diverted shipping 30 miles to the northeast. Although Edenton never regained its early prominence, it never lost its appeal. It’s still 18th century in scale, with homegrown shops, a wide variety of house styles, and a double supply of the porches that offer a window on a town’s interior life. Sadly, Hurricane Isabel flooded houses and toppled century-old trees here last August. When I called to commiserate, one staunch resident said, “The view is better now.”

To be first in line for The Pilgrimage, I arrived a day early and checked into the Lords Proprietors’ Inn, named for the eight men to whom Charles II gave a large slice of North America, including the Carolinas. (Ask for a room in Pack House, made from an old tobacco barn, where you can make your own coffee early in the morning and rock on the porch while Edenton wakes up.)

On most days, the visitors’ center offers walking and trolley tours led by expert guides, but everyone was busy preparing for The Pilgrimage. “We usually start people at St. Paul’s Church, just around the corner,” said the manager, Linda Jordan Eure, as she showed me the route on a map, “and then we take them by the houses along Church Street, South Granville, and West King.” The churchyard, set aside in 1722, hints at village life in a way no private residence can. A weathered fence the silvery color of driftwood encloses the grounds, and many of the family names hand-carved on gravestones—Badham, Benbury, Coffield, Leary, Wood—still appear on houses, streets, and businesses nearby.


Following the route laid out on the map, I walked tree-lined streets past Georgian, Federal, Greek Revival, and Queen Anne houses. (These