Death of a Marque (April 2001 | Volume: 52, Issue: 2)

Death of a Marque

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Authors: John Steele Gordon

Historic Era: Era 7: The Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)

Historic Theme:


April 2001 | Volume 52, Issue 2

In December, General Motors announced that it would phase out its Oldsmobile line by 2004. Thus, the oldest name in American automobiles will disappear, after 107 years. This is important, of course, only symbolically. The history of the American economy is littered with the once-great names of products and companies that have fallen victim to the creative destruction of capitalism. RCA, Pan American World Airways, Montgomery Ward, and TWA all have vanished in recent years. Of the 12 industrial companies that made up the first Dow Jones Industrial Average in 1896, the year before the first automobile manufactured by the Olds Motor Vehicle Company putt-putted down the road, only General Electric still exists and is on the list today.

But automobiles are not like other commercial products. Most people, I imagine, don’t know what brand of socks they are wearing, or wouldn’t drive half a block farther to buy a particular brand of gasoline. But automobiles engage the emotions, sometimes in intense ways. This is as true of the ordinary vehicles found in any commuter-railroad parking lot as it is of the Ferraris and such that most of us never get to ride in, let alone drive. It has been true of the Oldsmobile. A Google search on the Internet turned up 246,000 hits on the word Oldsmobile. Compare that with 1,000 for Perdue chicken. So, as Mrs. Loman says in Death of a Salesman after her husband has died, “Attention must be paid.”

The man for whom the car was named, Ransom E. Olds, was born in Geneva, Ohio, in June 1864, 10 months after Henry Ford. In 1880, his father opened a successful machine shop in Lansing, Michigan. Ransom, the youngest of five children, signed up for a six-month course at a local business college and took over the bookkeeping chores. His father made him a partner at the age of 21.

He not only handled the books. Ransom Olds was a consummate linkerer and doubtless spent much time in the shop itself, working on various devices. He would earn 30 patents in his lifetime, the first being for a new type of governor for steam engines. Like so many gifted mechanics of his generation, he was fascinated with the concept of a self-propelled carriage, an idea that was beginning to reach practicality as he came of age.

In 1886, Olds built his first automobile, a three-wheeled steam-powered car. Four years later, he built another, larger steam-powered automobile and sold it to a British patent-medicine company for $400. The firm shipped the vehicle to Bombay, India, but it never arrived. The ship sank en route.

Like many other automotive pioneers, Olds soon shifted his attention from steam power to the new internal-combustion engine. He built his third automobile, this time gasoline-powered, in 1896. That was the year the Duryea brothers sold their first automobile and began the American automobile industry. The following year, Olds formed the Olds Motor