It's Not a Stalemate; It's a War (Spring 2022 | Volume: 67, Issue: 2)

It's Not a Stalemate; It's a War

AH article image

Authors: Lucian K. Truscott IV

Historic Era: Era 10: Contemporary United States (1968 to the present)

Historic Theme:


Spring 2022 | Volume 67, Issue 2

Editor's Note: Lucian King Truscott IV is a former staff writer for The Village Voice, screenwriter, and author of several military-themed novels. He writes and publishes the Lucian Truscott Newsletter on Substack and also writes a column for

ukraine stamp
A new stamp designed by the Ukrainian Postal Service memorializes the group of service members who defied a Russian warship's demands to surrender their post on Snake Island in the Black Sea. "Russian warship, go fuck yourself!" was their now-famous response. Courtesy of

It seems that every former general or diplomatic expert who has Zoom on their laptop and ten minutes to appear on CNN or MSNBC is expounding about how Ukraine has “fought its way to a stalemate,” a conception which should be retired now, not later.

It’s not a stalemate in Mariupol, where the mayor refused a Russian demand to surrender the city, and shelling and bombing continue apace. Russian Col. Gen. Mikhail Mizintsev said that he would guarantee two safe-passage corridors out of the city if Ukrainian soldiers and civilians would put down their arms and raise white flags.  His demand was met with an immediate rejection by Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Irina Vereshchuk, who told a local news outlet, “There can be no talk of any surrender, laying down of arms. We have already informed the Russian side about this.”

The mayor of Mariupol, Piotr Andryushchenko, posted on Facebook that he didn't need to wait to reject the ultimatum and cursed the Russians, according to the news agency, Interfax Ukraine.

After an art school in Mariupol was bombed, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that some 400 civilians, including women and children, had taken shelter in the school. “They are under the rubble, and we don't know how many of them have survived,” he said. “But we know that we will certainly shoot down the pilot who dropped that bomb, like about 100 other such mass murderers whom we already have downed.”

When dozens of apartment buildings and a theatre, art school, and shopping mall with citizens inside are destroyed, it's nothing less than a brutal and illegal war.

The bombing of the art school comes on the heels of the bombing of Mariupol’s Drama Theater on March 16, where as many as a thousand civilians were said to have been sheltering. At least 130 people were pulled out of the rubble of the theater, President Zelenskyy said on Friday, “but hundreds of Mariupol residents are still beneath the rubble.” Rescue efforts in both the theater and the school have been hampered by continuing bombing and shelling of the city.

Russian forces are trying to take Mariupol so they can establish a so-called land bridge between the areas of the Donbas they already occupy and Crimea. Fighting is now street-to-street in the port city, which has been almost completely destroyed by Russian bombing and artillery shelling. 

It's not a stalemate in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv either, where Russians used a missile strike to