Unpackaged Goods (September 1994 | Volume: 45, Issue: 5)

Unpackaged Goods

AH article image

Authors: Geoffrey C. Ward

Historic Era: Era 10: Contemporary United States (1968 to the present)

Historic Theme:


September 1994 | Volume 45, Issue 5

To be a real New Yorker—an especially important goal for those of us who were neither born nor raised here—is to remain cool in the presence of celebrities. The Upper West Side, where I live, is peppered with them, mostly because its rents were once low and Broadway, Lincoln Center, and the network studios are all only minutes away. One is careful not to acknowledge the presence of the Broadway star squeezing melons at the produce store, the anchorman picking up his morning paper, the movie stars nuzzling at the next table, the diva buying fish.


But there is one frequent morning apparition in my neighborhood that never fails to catch and hold my full, gaping attention, a slender man in a dark double-breasted suit riding a bicycle, his ankle clips exposing an alarming measure of pale shank, his white hair whipping behind him as he spins in and out of traffic. He looks a bit as I think the Wizard of Oz might look were he to take to the city streets, but he is an authentic hero of mine—the columnist Murray Kempton setting off at 76 to cover still another story.

If journalism is merely history’s first draft, as has surely been said too often in these pages, Kempton’s journalism needs far less editing that that of most of his contemporaries. He is a legend among reporters—Carry Wills spoke for many recently when he called Kempton’s journalism “the most perceptive of our time”—and it is hard for me to see how any historian writing about events that he covered firsth-and could dream of doing so without first seeing what he had had to say about them.

That hasn’t always been easy to do. Kempton has published just three books over his long career: Part of Our Time: Some Ruins and Monuments of the Thirties (1955), America Comes of Middle Age: Columns, 1950–1962 (1963), and The Briar Patch: The People of the State of New York v. Lumumba Shakur, et al. (1973). All of them are brilliant, but all are also sadly out of print. And, since he has also served time mostly with Manhattan tabloids whose gaudy pages more sober-sided scholars have been taught to disdain—the New York Post for many years, and now New York Newsday —his work is too often overlooked.

The whole Kempton canon, it seems to me, deserves to be reissued on microfilm, ASAP. In the meantime, a fat new compendium, Rebellions, Perversities, and Main Events, provides a dazzling introduction for those out-of-towners lucky enough to be meeting him for the first time.

Kempton defies summarization; his sensibility is too lively and his chosen topics are too varied for that. There are shrewd, surprising pieces here on everything from Machiavelli to being mugged, Mafia wiretaps to the election of the pope. The best a Kempton enthusiast like me can do is offer a