Special Section: America 50 Years Ago (June 2020 | Volume: 65, Issue: 3)

Special Section: America 50 Years Ago

AH article image

Authors: Edwin S. Grosvenor

Historic Era: Era 10: Contemporary United States (1968 to the present)

Historic Theme:


June 2020 | Volume 65, Issue 3

Some of us remember dreaming, 50 years ago, of a computer small enough to fit in our home. And a telephone without wires.

So much has changed. But so much stays the same.

On a much bigger scale, in 1970 many of us looked forward to the day when women and minorities weren't considered second class citizens. And to a time when peace and prosperity were the norm.

Today, the news brings us echoes of that time. In cities across the country citizens demonstrate against racial injustice. In distant lands courageous young Americans die after answering their country’s call to serve. And politicians seek advantage by pitting Americans against each other.

National Guard troops march in front of the Yale newspaper office on their way to quelling demonstrations on the New Haven Green. Tom Strong.
National Guard troops march in front of the office of the Yale Daily News on their way to quelling demonstrations on the New Haven Green. Tom Strong

The year 1970 was a watershed. To understand it better, we called on five gifted writers to look back and reflect on some of key moments of that decisive time.

In May 1970, my Yale classmate, Henry Louis “Skip” Gates, Jr., and I witnessed a large and angry crowd protest the trial of Black Panther leader Bobby Seale. Now an eminent historian and PBS filmmaker, Skip remembers in this issue how leaders on all sides of the May Day demonstration in New Haven successfully defused a situation that could easily have become tragic, as was the case a few days later with the deaths at Kent State University.

Today, authorities across the U.S. could learn that lesson from history about how to listen, empathize, and defuse a protest, rather than inflame the demonstrators. It worked in New Haven in a situation more volatile than many of the marches we see today. 

Newsweek cover
Ironically, Newsweek was sued by its own staff for discrimination after it published a cover article on women in revolt.

See How the May Day Protests Stayed Peaceful, by Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

Also in 1970, women staff at both Newsweek and Time, Inc. took action against the blatant discrimination they faced at their magazines. For example, although Fortune published numerous articles by rising star Ann Crittenden, it would not give her a byline, nor promote her to reporter.

“Those fun-loving, cajoling male writers and editors made two and half times as much money as we did,” Ms. Crittenden remembers in her essay in this issue. “They worked in offices with windows, doors, and space. Most of us worked in windowless cubicles. When a male writer did a good job he would be promoted to editor, and maybe go on to help run the magazine. When a female researcher did a good job, she got a pat on the head and remained a researcher, with no hope of advancement. That was the paternalistic Time Inc. system.”
