Best Memoirs of the Great War (Summer 2019 | Volume: 64, Issue: 3)

Best Memoirs of the Great War

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Authors: Edward G. Lengel

Historic Era: Era 7: The Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)

Historic Theme:


Summer 2019 | Volume 64, Issue 3

We asked Edward Lengel, a Contributing Editor of American Heritage, to chose his favorite memoirs of World War I and tell us a little about them. Mr. Lengel is the author of two acclaimed histories of that war, To Conquer Hell: The Meuse-Argonne, 1918 and Never in Finer Company: The Men of the Great War's Lost Battalion, and has compiled an annotated bibliography of hundreds of personal accounts of the war at World War I Memories. –The Editors

I first became interested in World War I almost thirty years ago, reading through the war’s great memoirs. They influenced my approach to military history, which is less about equipment and tactics than the human experience of warfare. (I was also inspired by the great British historian John Keegan’s seminal work, The Face of Battle.)

To me, one of the most fascinating aspects of World War I is how men and women with no frame of reference for understanding modern, industrialized warfare, faced and processed the intense experiences they underwent in 1914-1918.

Since beginning my almost obsessive jaunt through personal accounts of World War I, I have read hundreds of published and unpublished volumes of memoirs, diaries, and collected letters written by individuals from all over the world. Here are some of my favorites.

John Lucy
John Lucy enlisted in the Royal Irish Rifles to escape poverty in Cork. He later became a journalist and wrote a memoir that ranks among the best first-hand accounts of any war.

John Lucy: An Irishman finds “A Devil in the Drum”

“Forward He Went”

I keep coming back to one deeply personal and gently introspective account by a poor Irish boy who served with his brother in the British Expeditionary Force of 1914. That book, There’s A Devil in the Drum by John Lucy, published in 1938, stands #1 on my list of the top personal accounts of World War I.

In 1914, Ireland remained under British rule, but trembled on the brink of Civil War. It probably would have slid into internal chaos that year, thanks to the Home Rule Crisis, had not the outbreak of World War I intervened. For a time, most Irishmen – on the surface, anyway – stood side by side with the British in their determination to fight imperial Germany.

John Lucy didn’t care about politics, and he certainly had little interest in what Germany was up to in Belgium. Two years earlier, he and his brother had joined the British Army simply as a way to escape poverty in Cork, Ireland. By 1914, they were both members of the Royal Irish Rifles, and were among the first sent to France and then Belgium to resist the German invasion. John and Denis Lucy fought at Mons, Le Cateau, and all of the B.E.F.’s other major major battles in 1914. But only one of them made it out alive.

John Lucy never forgot the last time he saw his brother: “My brother’s platoon suddenly got the

Siegfried Sassoon’s Memoirs of “George Sherston”

A portrait of Siegfried Sassoon by George Charles Beresford, 1915. Wikipedia.
A portrait of Siegfried Sassoon by George Charles Beresford, 1915. Wikipedia.

Siegfried Sassoon’s poetry and prose captures war’s personal cost in a way that no other writer of fiction or nonfiction ever managed. Informed by compassion, and laced with bitterness verging on despair, his testimony demands complete attention. The reader can not look away. Though Sassoon condemned the war–even as it took place, getting him in trouble with the British military authorities–his perspective remains tantalizingly ambiguous. So long as the war went on, he wanted to share it with his men, in or out of combat.

Sassoon’s slightly fictionalized memoir of World War I was published in three volumes: Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man (1928); Memoirs of an Infantry Officer (1930); and Sherston’s Progress (1936), under the collective title of, Memoirs of George Sherston. In that form it stands #2 on my list of the finest personal accounts of the First World War.

British soldiers with a captured German field gun (7.7 cm FK 96 n.A.) near Wytschaete, Belgium, during the Battle of Messines during World War I, on June 10, 1917.

Heroism and Protest

Born to a moderately prosperous Kentish family in 1886, Sassoon attended Cambridge and by his own admission enjoyed a shallow and frivolous youth. He entered military service eagerly at the beginning of World War I, and eventually was commissioned a lieutenant in the Royal Welch Fusiliers.

At the front, Sassoon’s heroism was legendary. Danger drew him like a magnet, until he became known by the sobriquet of Mad Jack. Yet Sassoon did not, unlike German Ernst Jünger, value danger for its own sake. Totally devoted to his men, he seems to have sought action in a desperate attempt to do his personal best to bring the war closer to an end–or die trying.

For Sassoon loathed war. Instead of ignoring or sublimating its horrors, he drank them in with all of his senses, and then channeled them through his pen into some of the most searingly powerful war poetry ever written. In 1917, finally, Sassoon passionately and openly denounced the war in “A Soldier’s Declaration,” demanding its quick conclusion to prevent further wastage of human life.

Sassoon fully expected to be court-martialed for this act, and almost was; but the intervention of his friend, fellow poet and author Robert Graves, ensured that he was sent to be treated for alleged “shell-shock” at Craiglockhart Hospital, where he met and encouraged fellow troubled poet Wilfred Owen. Both men sought desperately to return to the front, and did; but while Owen was killed, Sassoon, despite his almost insane bravery, was wounded but survived to live a long postwar life.

British soldiers who helped take Tilloy, France, in World War I. Library of Congress.
British soldiers in the King's Regiment posed with captured machine guns in front of a German mobile pill box and observation post after having help to take Tilloy-les-Mofflaines, France, April 10, 1917 during the Battle of Arras in World War I. Library of Congress.


Despite the bitterness with which he had written about the war, and the psychic anguish from which he continued to suffer to the end of his life, Sassoon refused to politicize his experiences and opinions – in the process disappointing many of his friends. His Memoirs of George Sherston – the title character of course referring to Sassoon himself – represent the efforts of a highly sensitive artist to process and understand his feelings.

Ultimately, the tragedy of Sassoon’s account is tinged with self-deprecatory irony. Where Jünger thrilled to the perception of his own bravery, Sassoon – an equally brave man – described one moment where, as he described it, “after a short spell of being deflated and sorry for myself, I began to feel rabidly heroical again, but in a slightly different style, since I was now a wounded hero, with my arm in a superfluous sling. . . . I felt that