What Made Maury Run (August 1972 | Volume: 23, Issue: 5)

What Made Maury Run

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August 1972 | Volume 23, Issue 5

In December, 1936, Oswald Garrison Villard, longtime liberal editor of The Nation, wrote his friend Representative Maury Maverick ( 1895-1954), of San Antonio, Texas, that he wanted to inform the public of the congressional burdens caused by the New Deal’s economic emphasis. He asked that Maverick’s secretary send him a statistical breakdown of a week in the life of a congressman.

Deeply devoted to his job, the brash and boisterous Maverick had already, in the first of the two terms he would serve, won a national reputation by ignoring the protocol of silence observed by freshmen in the House. He had no patience with hypocrisy or with official language that obfuscated issues, for which he coined the word gobbledygook. He was intensely proud of his colonial heritage, of his grandfather who had signed the Texas Declaration of Independence; and he saw, as his historic mission, the safeguarding of individuals’ rights and the nation’s natural resources. This same grandfather, Samuel Maverick, according to a frequently repeated legend, added a word to the English language when, probably through an oversight of his slaves, he failed to brand a small herd of cattle in his possession. Thereafter, “mavenck” was the common name for an unbranded animal, and in time the word stood for a politician independent of party control. Maury Maverick, both in Congress and in a term as mayor of San Antonio, from 1939 to 1941, lived up to the name.

The secretary’s report indicated that Congressman Maverick received 150 letters and forty callers daily, attended up to six weekly committee meetings, and was often at his desk late into the night. Dunng adjournment, there was some surcease, though the office seekers increased and the phone never stopped ringing. But the secretary ‘s simple listing of statistics didn’t tell of the “pangs and pains” or the “emotional strain” the congressman endures, so Mavenck took pen to paper and did the job himself.—Barbara S. Kraft

In the first place, no one ever talks to a Congressman unless they are either unemployed, angry, or in a state of defeat. The “successful” men have no time to talk to a Congressman, and you receive no visits from your friends, because your office is always packed and jammed with unfortunate people demanding immediate attention. You are constantly besieged to make speeches, and you are supposed to make facetious remarks and tell two or three jokes—generally jokes which are wholly outside of the realm of thought—and then to make a very grave speech, complimenting the group you address.

It is impossible for a Congressman to walk down the street, even with his wife and children, or with his best friends or associates. Leaving the Maverick Building and going to the St. Anthony Hotel, which is only two short blocks, I am frequently stopped as many as ten or twenty times. Each person starts out by saying: “Congressman. Can I see you just a minute?” or “You’re the hardest man to find in