
Braddlock’s Alumni

AH article image

Authors: Robert C. Alberts

Historic Era:

Historic Theme:


February 1961 | Volume 12, Issue 2

On the evening of Washington’s Birthday last, my wife and I went to the Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania to hear a talk on “Pennsylvania—A State Neglected in Our Country’s History.”

After the lecture the ladies of the society served coffee and small sandwiches in the basement. There I chanced to see Mr. G., president of the Pittsburgh company I work for. I approached him and said:

“There is a little-recognized fact of history which never ceases to astonish me.

“I refer to the large number of men who were present at the defeat of General Edward Braddock’s army in 1755 and who later became prominent, important, and even famous figures. I think I am safe in asserting that there is nothing else in history to compare with this strange circumstance.”

“Indeed?” said Mr. G.

“This defeat was one of the worst in British history. It laid open the American frontier to attack by the French, Canadians, and Indians, even to within fifty miles of Baltimore. Fewer than a thousand of Braddock’s men survived. But among these survivors were more than a score of men who went on to achieve personal distinction and a place in history.”

“Name two,” said Mr. G.

Unfortunately, the names failed to come.

“Well,” I said boldly, “Colonel George Washington was there. And Anthony Wayne.”

“Young man, if Anthony Wayne fought at the Battle of Braddock, he did so as a child of ten.”

Next morning at the office I happened to run into Mr. G. in the hall.

“You were right,” I told him. “Anthony Wayne wasn’t there. I looked it up.”

“Thanks for telling me,’ Mr. G. said.

“But Daniel Boone was there,” I said. “He was twenty-one years old at the time and was a teamster and blacksmith with the North Carolina contingent. Daniel Boone later became a famous pioneer, a backwoodsman, and Indian fighter.”

“I know,” said Mr. G.

“Horatio Gates was there. Captain Gates was twenty-seven years old, a professional British soldier. He was severely wounded in the battle.

“Later on, Gates became a general in the Continental Army in command of the Northern Department. He defeated Burgoyne at Saratoga in 1778.”

“Seventy-seven,” Mr. G. said.

“There was a conspiracy, of which he was aware, to have Gates replace Washington as commander in chief. Did you know he was named for his godfather, Horace Walpole?”

“If I ever knew it, I’d forgotten it.”

“Thomas Gage was also there,” I said, following Mr. G. down the hall. “Lieutenant Colonel Gage was a thirty-four-year-old professional soldier who had fought the Scots at Culloden. He was in command of theflour hundred men who made up Braddock’s advance, and was wounded. Do you know what happened to Gage in later life?”

“I think I do.”

I felt he would want me to refresh his memory with the information