ERA 9: Postwar United States (1945 to early 1970's)

Essays from This Era

Title sort image Author sort image Issue sort image
Ditching in the Stormy North Atlantic Eric Lindner November/December 2021
Sergei Khrushchev and the Soviet Union Chase Brush July/August 2020
Reagan Outfoxes the Soviet Union Peter Schweizer Winter 2020
Wrong Turns In Korea Robert Dallek Fall 2010
The Evil Empire Newt Gingrich Spring/Summer 2008
Over the Wall at Checkpoint Charlie Jack Marck October 2006
My Years with Ronald Reagan Richard Reeves February/March 2006
“We Knew That, If We Succeeded, We Could, at One Blow, Destroy a City” Michael Lennick June/July 2005
Stellar Books on America from the Truman to Nixon Eras Douglas Brinkley November/December 2004
Reagan's Place in History Richard Brookhiser August/September 2004
Officially Propagating America’s Story Wilson Dizard Jr. August/September 2003
Where Berlin and America Meet Fredric Smoler April/May 2003
The Shah Always Falls Fredric Smoler March 2003
How My Father and President Kennedy Saved The World Sergei Khrushchev October 2002
Eisenhower's Farewell Douglas Brinkley September 2001
Mr. Smith Goes Underground Thomas Mallon September 2000
Visiting The Cold War Today Phil Patton September 2000
Fragments of a War Richard F. Snow September 2000
The Day We Shot Down the U-2 Sergei Khrushchev September 2000
The Cold War Through the Looking Glass Sergei Khrushchev October 1999
The Reds in Albania Tried to Recruit Me at Age 8 May/June 1999
Dr. Strangelove’s Children Phil Patton November 1998
NATO’s Nativity Bernard A. Weisberger October 1998
Ike Shrugged Off Sputnik Stephen Bates October 1997
From World War to Cold War John Lukacs December 1995
The Key to the Warren Report Max Holland November 1995
The Ancient History of the Internet Stephen Bates October 1995
The FBI Unbound Bernard A. Weisberger September 1995
First Step to the Moon Alan B. Shepard July/August 1994
Echoes of a Distant War Bernard A. Weisberger July/August 1994
Build-down T. A. Heppenheimer December 1993
How a Two-dollar Watch Saved the World December 1993
Iron Curtain Call May/June 1992
America and Russia, Americans and Russians John Lukacs February/March 1992
I Fought for Fidel Neill Macaulay November 1991
Doorway to Space Ray Smith November 1990
Why We Were Right To Like Ike Steve Neal December 1985
Scientists At War Fred Kaplan June/july 1983
John F. Kennedy, Twenty Years Later William E. Leuchtenburg December 1983
Truman At Potsdam June/July 1980
When Bunkers Last In The Backyard Bloom—d Walter Karp February/March 1980
The Time Of The Angel Don Moser October 1977
Who Started The Cold War? August 1977
"We Can’t Do Business With Stalin" Elie Abel August 1977
The Birth Of The CIA Tom Braden February 1977
A Cycle Of Cathay James C. Thomson, Jr. August 1972
Which Way America? Dulles Always Knew John Fenton June 1971
Disarmament Conferences: Ballets At The Brink Robert H. Ferrell February 1971
William H. Tunner: Berlin Airlift Commander C. V. Glines October 1969
Journey Into Our Times Dean Acheson February 1960
Truman Serenades Bacall Gil Klein November/December 2021
Truman Dogged by Charges of “Favoritism and Influence” James Boylan February/March 2021
Wrong Turns In Korea Robert Dallek Fall 2010
Aide To Four Presidents Wilson Brown February 1955
Wild About Harry Jean K. Tool February/March 2007
Bob, Dick, and Harry April/May 2006
Stellar Books on America from the Truman to Nixon Eras Douglas Brinkley November/December 2004
Did Truman Need to Drop the Bomb? D. M. Giangreco April/May 2003
The Botched Attempt on Truman's Life at Blair House Barbara Trafficanda June/July 2002
The Hell That Was Chosin Robert Moskin November 2000
The Temper Thing Kevin Baker May/June 2000
A Town Called Independence May/June 2000
How to Remember the Forgotten War Stanley Weintraub May/June 2000
There Isn’t Any Such Thing As the Past Roger Mudd February/March 1999
Lifeline to a Sinking Continent Robert James Maddox July/August 1997
A Socratic Bible Lesson by Harry Truman July/August 1997
My Search for Douglas MacArthur Geoffrey Perret February/March 1996
The Biggest Decision: Why We Had to Drop the Atomic Bomb Robert James Maddox May/June 1995
1954 Richard Reeves December 1994
Clio and the Clintons Carl Sferrazza Anthony December 1994
Help From on High May/June 1993
Presidents on Presidents Thomas Fleming November 1992
“I Hardly Know Truman” David McCullough July/August 1992
What to Call It? Elliot Rosenberg December 1991
The Conversion of Harry Truman William E. Leuchtenburg November 1991
Four More Years October/November 1984
Truman Vs. MacArthur Walter Karp April/May 1984
How The Media Seduced And Captured American Politics Richard C. Wade February/March 1983
Letters of a Most Uncommon Common Man David McCullough December 1983
Truman At Potsdam June/July 1980
Dear Boss: February/March 1980
Presidents Emeritus John Whiteclay Chambers II June/July 1979
What We Got For What We Gave Gaddis Smith April/May 1978
"We Can’t Do Business With Stalin" Elie Abel August 1977
Recognizing Israel Clark M. Clifford April 1977
The Birth Of The CIA Tom Braden February 1977
The “down” Years 1972-74 George D. Aiken August 1976
“…to Serve The World-not To Dominate It” Lawrence Lader December 1976
The Paper Trust Bernard A. Weisberger April 1971
Journey Into Our Times Dean Acheson February 1960
Why Did Ruby Kill Oswald? Burt W. Griffin Winter 2024
The Most Misunderstood Americans John F. Kennedy
JFK's Fighter-Bombers Mark I. Gelfand February/March 2021
JFK Writes about Our Nation’s Memory John F. Kennedy Winter 2010
Shooting the Moon Walter A. McDougall Winter 2010
Did Castro Okay the Kennedy Assassination? Gus Russo | Stephen Molton Winter 2009
The Greatest Moments In American Mountaineering February/March 2007
Highest Adventure Maurice Isserman February/March 2007
That Smile June/July 2006
Stellar Books on America from the Truman to Nixon Eras Douglas Brinkley November/December 2004
Special Forces D. M. Giangreco November/December 2002
How My Father and President Kennedy Saved The World Sergei Khrushchev October 2002
Mr. Smith Goes Underground Thomas Mallon September 2000
The Cold War Through the Looking Glass Sergei Khrushchev October 1999
Would JFK Have Pulled Us Out of Vietnam? Sheldon M. Stern September 1999
A Paean to the PT Boat Dick Keresey July/August 1998
Prepping JFK for the German Part of "Ich bin Ein Berliner" July/August 1997
How the Murder of Oswald Helped Make TV Steven D. Stark May/June 1997
The Key to the Warren Report Max Holland November 1995
Love, Jackie Carl Sferrazza Anthony September 1994
First Step to the Moon Alan B. Shepard July/August 1994
“The Lines of Control Have Been Cut” Richard Reeves September 1993
Lost in Space: What Went Wrong with NASA? T. A. Heppenheimer November 1992
Kennedy Packs the House May/June 1992
Doorway to Space Ray Smith November 1990
The Wimp Factor Bruce Curtis November 1989
The Day Kennedy Was Shot Richard B. Trask November 1988
Sexual Complications of the Presidential Kind Geoffrey C. Ward May/June 1988
A True Capacity For Governance’ Maura Moynihan October/November 1986
Why We Were Right To Like Ike Steve Neal December 1985
Four More Years October/November 1984
Targets Of Opportunity Geoffrey C. Ward April/May 1984
The President’s Best Friend David Michaelis June/july 1983
How The Media Seduced And Captured American Politics Richard C. Wade February/March 1983
John F. Kennedy, Twenty Years Later William E. Leuchtenburg December 1983
A Postage Stamp History Of The U.S. In The Twentieth Century Judson Mead December 1982
Gen. Maxwell Taylor: Memories of Peace and War Robert S. Gallagher April/May 1981
When Bunkers Last In The Backyard Bloom—d Walter Karp February/March 1980
Lady Bird Johnson Remembers Barbara Klaw December 1980
The Time Of The Angel Don Moser October 1977
Machismo In The White House Larry L. King August 1976
The Senator and the Lady Lawrence H. Fuchs October 1974
Adlai Stevenson October 1973
JFK and the Stained-Glass Image Andy Logan August 1967
How to Get Elected Bernard A. Weisberger August 1964
On History John F. Kennedy February 1964
